Over the next three weeks, the “Flood Geology Series” by Awesome Science Media will be airing during GSN’s “Geology Homeschool Hour” Monday mornings, starting at 10:00 Central.  Below is the schedule of which episodes/topics are planned:

Mondays – Starts at 10 am Central (CDT)
ASM Fl Geo 1-2 HelensNovember 2  – “Mount St. Helens: Modern Day Evidence of the Worldwide Flood

Learn about the devastating eruption of Mount St. Helens and what it has in common with the Biblical, global flood.  This modern volcano illustrates how geologic phenomena can be rapidly made in a catastrophe, rather than slow processes over millions of years.

ASM Fl Geo 3-6 Ice AgeNovember 9 & 16 – “The Great Ice Age: Evidence from the Flood for It’s Quick Formation and Melting

 Atmospheric scientist, Michael Oard, walks viewers through what an ice age is, what would cause an ice age, what evidence we have for an ice age, and many other details.  Aired in four episodes over two Mondays, this program is ideal for high-school or junior-high level students and others who enjoy learning.

Be sure to see our schedule page for more information on regular programming like Homeschool Hour