Watch “Dinosaurs Down Under Part 3: Thorny Issues” with David Rives and Australian creationist John Mackay, right here on GSN. Tune in Thursday, February 23rd @ 8:30 pm Central time!

Can’t tune in on Thursday? Check out the “Dinosaurs Downunder Trilogy DVD Set” from the Creation Superstore

Dinosaurs Downunder Trilogy Transparent01-2016-5-12- 3 DVDs in the Dinosaurs Downunder Series with John Mackay and David Rives – Dinosaurs Downunder Trilogy DVD Set

DVD #1. “Dinosaurs Downunder Part 1: Jurassic Ark”

Did you know that terrible lizards are being found downunder, in Australia? How did those creatures get there? Did a big meteorite wipe them all out? Or maybe there was a flood? What is the fossil record really trying to tell us, and does it line up with what we read in our Bibles? John Mackay is a debater, lecturer and researcher from Australia who has done a tremendous amount of field work on these subjects.

DVD #2. “Dinosaurs Downunder Part 2: The Flood”

Could dinosaurs swim? Why are their fossil remains many times found with their necks and heads arched back in a spectacular “Death Pose”? What about Archaeopteryx, the supposed feathered dinosaur? John Mackay is a debater, lecturer and researcher from Australia who has done a tremendous amount of field work on these subjects. What is the fossil record really trying to tell us, and does it line up with what we read in our Bibles?

DVD #3. “Dinosaurs Downunder Part 3: Thorny Issues”

Did dinosaurs and man live at the same time? Is there scientific evidence that they died out only after sin entered into the world? What can THORNS AND THISTLES in the fossil record tell us? Weren’t they part of the curse in the Garden? What is the fossil record really trying to tell us, and does it line up with what we read in our Bibles? John Mackay is a debater, lecturer and researcher from Australia who has done a tremendous amount of field work on these subjects.