God is using GSN in powerful ways!
Help Us Share the Gospel and Declare the Glory of God through Science.
Genesis Science Network was formed by David Rives Ministries and is fully funded and supported by our viewers. It delivers wholesome, inspiring, uplifting, and educational 24/7 programming to homes around the world at no charge. As we continue to grow and reach the world with Biblical Truth, we are asking for you to step out in faith with us to help support GSN financially. Through the grace of God we are reaching more and more households, but as a result, our broadcast costs continue to grow.
Your tax-deductible financial gift can change lives today! To partner with GSN, Call: 931-212-7990 | or Mail: Genesis Science Network – PO Box 1948 – Dickson, TN 37056
Donate Online Below:
Formed by David Rives Ministries, a non-profit tax exempt 501c3 organization
“I love your new network and the variety of programming. My 7 year old boy loves it too. FYI, Secular Saturday morning programming has turned from cartoons to nature shows. What this means is they are teaching the youngest generation evolution in mass. Please pray if God may have a role for Genesis Science Network to counter-balance this united counter-educational effort against the most impressionable, innocent, and curious group of people in the world. I’m not a donor yet, but would still like to extend a challenge for higher quality creationist children’s programming to counter the cutting edge photography and production talent on the free air broadcast networks. Love you guys, Thanks, and talk to you later.” -Jack H.
“Dear Genesis Science Network – What a thrill to browse through the Roku channels and find you. I’ve long thought that it would be a great idea to have a channel that broadcast programs from the various creation ministries and it looks like you’ve done it. I would be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee to help the service mature and for additional features if that is something you are considering.” -JB
“Wow! what a pleasure it was to find your App in the Roku store have been watching it since for several days now…Thank you for the program.” -David W.
“I really enjoy watching your channel on Roku.” –Pearl S.
“Finally! A NOVA for Christians!” –MWW
“I adore GSN. I watch it hours and hours at a time. It is the home page on my TV. God Bless all involved and the generous ministries that have given permission for their programming to be aired. Such a wonderful example of the Church working together for the greater good.” –CK
“I blame you guys! It’s all your fault! I can’t watch NOVA on PBS now without cringing when they say the phrases millions or billions of years…. and they say it A LOT!” – Chris B.
“A friend just told me about this channel and I added it to my Roku… praise the Lord for this!!!!!!” –KM
“I’ve been watching the channel all day!!! Thank you so much!! –WD” “It’s been less than 24 hours since I first tuned in to the Genesis Science Network and … I’m already addicted.” –MJL
“I just want to tell you that I saw your channel on the Roku a few days ago and decided to give it a try. I’VE BEEN HOOKED AND HAVE A TOUGH TIME TURNING IT OFF! Keep up the good work.” –CB
“I downloaded your channel on ROKU and have it on constantly! Love your programs. Can’t wait to see what you will have for us in the future. Great great network! Much needed today.” –II
“I just downloaded your Roku channel and love it.” –Cecelia M.
“For decades, channels like Discovery, Nova, and PBS have done incalculable damage to the minds of listeners by indoctrinating many with a humanistic and evolutionary perspective. But there’s a new network available now! Genesis Science Network.” –TTD
“I must say this is a historic time for the defenders of Biblical Creation as we have our own TV network now! Congrats, thanks and God bless!” -Timothy B.
“So glad Roku has Genesis Science Network now. Been watching it constantly since it went live. Finally something worth watching. Good job GSN.” –Retro
“I was told about the GSN Live Creation Channel… and sent the link!” -A.M.
“God bless you for this initiative!” Daniel
“Powerful Wonderful teachings.” Rafael M.
“I enjoy listening to GSN channel live, while doing my computer work.” AnnAMaria
“Been enjoying your “TV” app on my new smart phone.” Kenneth F.
“God bless GSNetwork.” A.G.H.
“I have been watching nothing but your channel since my wife found it on the 5th of July 2015” J.G.
“Thanks for making such an awesome network available!! Blessings!” Robert B.
“Many times I have searched in Roku to find something about creationism instead of evolution–but until you came along–I couldn’t find any of it! –but there is so much evolution! Thank you so much for doing this!” CC
My family and i have been enjoying the Genesis Science Network over the last few weeks. I found it because i follow Eric Hovind’s blog and he mentioned your station… Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Be encouraged, you’re already doing a great job!” A.L.
“I have been watching your channel for nearly a week now and I would like you to know the blessing it has been to me. I have never had the finances or the opportunity to attend a university, but I have been a believer for the last 37 years. You channel has done more for my understanding of my faith than any book I have read save the Bible. I feel like I am finally able to attend the lecture classes I have always wanted to. Thank you so much for your ministry” Jason G.
“I just found GSN on Roku and have been watching it for 3 hours. I love your programming and am going to tell my adult children and grandchildren about GSN!” Judy L.
“I have been watching your program for about a month now and SUPER appreciate everything you are doing! I really enjoy the programs, relishing the scientific facts, logic and even humor presented. It is very heartening to find informative, biblical science – please continue in your good work.” Holly N.
“I’ve just recently came across your videos and watched two segments and I’m grateful that you exist. I got up from my sofa thinking, “I can’t wait to watch MORE!” …THANK YOU” S.T.
“So glad we dumped cable and broadcast TV in favor of ROKU, and now we have found GSN!!!! Bravo and Blessings in Jesus Name be all over GSN……. Gotta Go Do Sunday Morning, Praise God for the fresh fuel and fresh oil….” Rev J.S.
“I have been streaming the GSN Channel on my PC while I work… I must say the GSN Channel is awesome. 🙂 Keep up the good work.” R.C.
“I have to admit, this is my latest viewing addiction. The amount of information these shows offer is just incredible! And it’s all scientific evidence that supports the Genesis accounts of Creation, the flood and dinosaurs (in Job). …I highly recommend “subscribing” to this channel. It’s free! I promise, you won’t be disappointed!” Michael C.
“Hi Bro. Rives, I really am impressed and truly like this channel that you have put together. I was looking for nature documentaries that are from a Christian perspective and you came up. I am very excited about this channel.” Peter G.